Who is this fella

Welcome to my space. A tiny place where I can share my thoughts to the world.

Why did I choose to blog? Well, thanks to a few good friends of mine who knew that I am very passionate about many things and knew this will be a good channel for me to speak. I love food, coffee, travel, cars, photography, fashion and pretty much anything.

So here I am in this space to share with the world with a piece of me.  In case you didn’t notice, I my style is a bit more of straight forward writing. I have a foundation in hospitality industry and I have won an award in the culinary industry. Not that I love to brag about it but that probably gives me some credit as a legitimate reviewer especially when it comes to food.

I am single and in my 30s (funny how time goes by so fast! Damn). Currently working behind a desk. I’m trying to make some contribution to the online blog world and hoping to connect with many others who may share the same interest. There is so much to see and learn. I am happy to connect with others.

Want to get in touch? Or you have some suggestion or feedback about the blog? Sure, would love to hear from you. Drop me a line at versace_boy78@yahoo.com

La dolce vita. Peace.

14 thoughts on “Who is this fella

  1. Thanks for following WordBowlbyMsCharlieS.com and thank you for introducing me to your blog! Food and travel are two of my favorite pastimes, I look forward to living vicariously through yours (awesome food pix, too, you have a terrific eye)!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Ms Charlie, first of all my apology for the overdue reply, but I owe it to you. Thank for dropping by and for the compliment. It nice to hear some positive comments on things that I am a passionate about.


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